Local whistle-blowing platforms

The AWP is conceived as a network made up of local platforms which deal with the struggles and concerns of specific cultural contexts. Even though the project has a global focus, it has to respect and account for local diversity in a ‘from the roots upwards’ model. Even though AWP aims to share information and interact on a global level, its regular space of action will be locally constituted whistle-blowing platforms.

The nodes that make up this web function on different levels: they are made up of a group of people which manage the AWP’s local submission platform; produce analysis and content based on the material collected in a specific language and social context; interact with the local media for publication as well as organize forums, events and gatherings for collecting funds or establishing contacts for the network. An example of one of our local platforms is Ljost.is, based in Reykjavik, Iceland.

The AWP’s  model aims to provide local actors with the possibility of denouncing wrongdoing within their communities, bringing problems to the public and empowering citizens, local media and authorities to act against corruption and abuse in their areas. In the long run we hope to make the whistle-blowing community more robust, somehow bridging the much needed step between news and action.

Our aim is to promote different local whistle-blowing initiatives in a decentralized way: if you are already working in a similar project in your country or region, or if you would like to start one please contact us at network [at] whistle.is. There are many ways in which we can collaborate: such as with a legal safe haven, technological solutions, cross-promotion and so on, so don’t hesitate in writing.