
The AWP is not engaged in the pursuit of profit: our goal is to empower a transparent flow of information to uncover and raise awareness on crucial issues that are hidden systematically from the general public. However, it does need a certain amount of money or resources in order to keep itself functioning and to meet these final goals.

All income will be used to maintain infrastructure, to help whiste-blowers if needed -for example, with legal costs- as well as to compensate writers and staff members. We believe that in the long run our efforts will have a cleansing effect on social dynamics, empowering citizens to be informed and to act accordingly towards corruption and abuse.

Join as an associate

If you want to support, participate and help to spread the message, you can join as an associate. Associate members may:

* Participate or organize the events promoted by our association,
* Participate in the annual meetings,
* Help us manage side projects in collaboration different institutions, such as panels, workshops or fundraisers,
* Get stickers, t-shirts and an official membership card.



The AWP believes that the work it is doing is essential for society to improve as a whole. As our goal is essentially a moral one we believe donations are the best way to finance our activities.

The culture of donations on the Internet is something that is continuously growing thanks to shifting values, the improvement of software and the increasing use of online money and e-banking. Hopefully this will become a norm in the future, as people understand the importance of donating whatever they can to projects they are interesting in or they feel that are doing a necessary job in society which cannot be marketable in traditional terms.

Not every activity is profitable, and many times these are the most essential of all. We believe that it is important for the population to understand the amount of work needed into producing news, which many times is done for free due to the current nature of information. Please consider donating.
