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Besides building and maintaining whistleblowing platforms and publishing leaked information of public interest, the AWP also offers services for individuals and organizations working against corruption and human-rights violations as well as those aimed in bringing about institutional transparency, accountability and freedom of information and speech.
Advisory on building a whistle-blowing platform

If you are interested in promoting investigative journalism and whistleblowing in your own society, as a local group or media organization, we can help by providing the technical tools and the strategic know-how to do it in a safe and effective way.

Media strategy advisory regarding publishing of leaked content

If you or your organization are in possession of sensitive information, but don?t know exactly how to start publishing it, we help you by providing advisory on the best practices in order to make the information publicly available.

Secure practices and infra-structure

If you or your organization are in need of secure infrastructure to communicate internally, manage or publish confidential material, we can help by providing tools and instructions to use encrypted mailing-lists, safe web-pages or crowdcrafting tools or other, more personalized solutions.

Legal protection on publishing or managing sensitive content

If you are an activist, journalist or media agency willing to publish stories and sensitive documents but are afraid of being persecuted in your country due to lack of freedom of expression, we can help by allowing you to publish your information - anonymously or through a journalistic partnership - via the Belgian legal framework, where we can also protect your anonymity and exercise our right to struggle for a cause oriented journalism.

Analysis of confidential or sensitive documents

If you or your organization are in possession of sensitive information, but need some help to analyse it, we can help with our network of contacts, supporters and collaborators, as well as with our editorial staff. Your stories and analysis can be done faster and in depth, reaching a broader public.


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Collaboration and networking: [email protected]
Editorial staff:
[email protected]
Press inquiries: [email protected]
PGP encrypted: [email protected] public key

The AWP is supported by DataCell ehf, a sustainable and ethical hosting provider supporting transparency and freedom of expression.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.